How to choose heavy Scissors Lift Singapore?

The elevators for vehicle repair shops are indispensable tools that, by every day, go unnoticed in the eyes of many professionals. Some tend to think that it is a tool of the workshop, without paying too much attention to its characteristics, advantages of one or the other model or even the type that is needed. Sometimes there is a tendency to adapt professionally to a product instead of trying to make it the product that ends up adapting to our real and professional needs; not in vain of the Scissor Lift Singapore depends on working in a comfortable and above all safe way. There are a variety of types of elevators for vehicle repair shops and also models.
How to choose a Hydraulic lift
The main characteristics that you must take into account when choosing a hydraulic lift are:
- Elevation height: some elevators can raise the vehicle from one to two meters. Ideally, choose the elevator that offers the highest possible height, as this will expand the number of jobs that we can perform with the elevator and comfort for the operator.
- Weight:  in the same way, each Boom Lift Rental Singapore is configured to support a quantity of weight that you must know before selecting it to know at all times whether it fits or not the needs of the type of vehicles you want to raise.
- Use:  depending on the use that you are going to give to the elevator, it will be more convenient for one type or another. For example, if you are going to use it for the alignment of wheels, you must select a lift designed for this function, while if you require it to lift a quad, you will have to look for a model made to perform this task in particular.


- Safety:  before choosing an elevator you must verify that the model has been subjected to all quality and safety controls established by national and/or international organizations. For example, in Europe, a Fork Lift must comply with the UNE-EN 1493: 2011 standard, which requires the manufacturer to produce the lift under strict quality and even assembly controls. As an example, a lift that does not comply with this regulation is comparable to driving with a car without insurance, in case of accident civil liability and even criminal responsibility falls on the person responsible for the workshop and directly against the user's safety. Always distrust cheap elevators and demand in writing the official documentation of the elevator.

- Assembly:  this must always be carried out by professionals certified by the manufacturer. A good Forklift mounted poorly becomes a problematic product, unsafe and also loses the warranty. Do not skimp on the montage.

- Warranty:  workshop elevators are professional products and by law must have at least one year warranty for any manufacturing defect, this is essential, as it ensures a service if needed.

- Maintenance: make maintenance contracts with technicians approved by the manufacturer. Like any machine, an elevator needs periodic maintenance, this guarantees its proper functioning, longer life of the product and, therefore, better profitability for the workshop.


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